It seems that I have managed not to post for almost two months now. Oh dear. About a month ago I could have blamed exams but since then I have just been lazy. Or distracted... by my new kitten! So since I last posted, the main things that have happened are exams, kitten, various excursions around Britain visiting people (including Glasgow School of Art), starting volunteering at the Natural History Museum and the long awaited arrival of some new designs!
I guess I had better get the kitten out of the way first. And she is ALWAYS in the way! Kittens are quite a lot of work, I think that a lot of people buy them without really enough consideration, for example, I will probably still have her when I am in my mid to late thirties! Scary! I had been deliberating on the idea of a new kitten for a while and during exam procrastination I started some serious online research, looking at the adoption pages of various rescue centers. Then I spotted 'Sherbert' on the
Wood Green Animal Shelter site. I showed her to my mum and we went then next day. The lady took Sherbert and a ginger kitten out of the enclosure and as soon as Sherbert was passed to me she climbed up onto my shoulder and started purring! I kept telling myself that I should view a few kittens and not just take the first one but she just seemed perfect and I am so glad I found her.
Meeting Rabbit at the Shelter |
Just got home... |
Lounging |
Feigning innocence! |
My little maneki neko! |
Helping me to wake up Rowan, SMACK |
Climbing in the garden! |
She may look quite sweet and calm in these pictures but that is just because all of the other pictures are of a blur. She is a little terror. Her favorite place to sleep is on my face and she likes to get up very early in the morning and make sure we are awake too. I swear she is like one of the kittens from that GoCat advert that is on at the moment. I am going to try and borrow my dad's DSLR to get some clearer shots of her antics!
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