Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Stumbling into stuff on the internet...

This is from Wikipedia so I guess most people have seen it but i just saw it and actually said WOW aloud. 

I love everything about this picture. The oddly bland studio setting. Her plain, slightly masculine chunky band on her ring finger (possibly a wedding ring? I know it looks like it is her right hand but she could have been Eastern European or the image could have been flipped).  The slightly more exciting looking ring that is frustratingly obscured on her other hand. The funny costume flowers on her top and in her hair. The tattoos have an amazing natural history theme - I really wish I could see the designs on her right arm more clearly. The pearl choker is just fab. Her raised eyebrow is so unlike most Victorian portraits I have seen... etc.

I love this picture.


(if it is fake I will be so sad)


Friday, 13 January 2012

January Bleakness

Bored of revising.
Bored of feeling cold.
Bored of the dark.
Bored of being pale.

Luckily it seems like Classics and Ancient History students are traveling en masse to Greece when we finish our summer exams for a 'Geeks on Tour' holiday.

So that's something to get excited about!

I imagine it will be a lot like this:

An exhibition I read about here.

If you happen to be in Palm Springs then look here.

Ok, back to Propertius!


P.S. Good luck! (because its Friday 13th... Spooky!)

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


I said in my very first post that I intend this blog as a sort of online scrapbook. So this is a bit of stuff that I find interesting that I have just grouped together to look back on later!
I am obviously rather fond of Japanese things (I received some very beautiful origami paper as one of my Christmas presents) and so when I saw THIS amazing video, I was pretty excited.

Still from the video of Robert Lang folds way-new origami... watch the video!

Now I cannot actually do origami myself. I managed a few cranes when I was in Japan but I have not managed to make one since. What I found really interesting about this video was the design techniques. I want to have a think about how I can apply this do my own attempts at designing stuff - after I've finished my dissertation on Ovid... eventually...

But this is pretty incredible:

Though of course there is already lots of jewellery literally mimicking origami such as www.origamijewellery.com. The silver swan is probably my favorite.

And it is impossible to mention origami without thinking of the 1000 cranes, so here is a beautiful and eco-friendly example using the Metro as the materials.


That is all for now!